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Meet MS21's members

MS in the 21st Century (MS21) started in 2011 as a group of healthcare professionals with the aim to standardize multiple sclerosis (MS) care worldwide.

The importance of the patient voice was clear and, in 2016, people living with MS (PwMS) were invited to join the group.

Research has found that:

  • There are differences between what healthcare professionals and PwMS believe to be the unmet needs in MS care, and
  • For the two groups to better understand and support each other, communication in MS care needs to be improved. Therefore, the goals to standardize MS care are to:
  • Improve communication between healthcare professionals and PwMS; and
    • Develop practical educational resources based on real-world needs and data.
    • Conduct real-world evidence, clinical research and insights to further understand the unmet needs in MS care

Please see below for more information about MS21’s members.

Meet MS21's members banner illustration


Dawn Langdon

Dawn Langdon

Prof. Dawn Langdon completed her training as a clinical psychologist at the University of Oxford and the Institute of...
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Elisabeth Celius

Elisabeth Celius

Prof. Elisabeth Celius has a medical degree from the University of Bonn, Germany, and was certified in neurology in...
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Elisabeth Kasilingam

Elisabeth Kasilingam

Ms. Elisabeth Kasilingam is an important patient organization affiliate and patient advocate in her position as...
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Eva Kubala Havrdová

Eva Kubala Havrdová

Prof. Eva Kubala Havrdová is a Professor of Neurology at the First Faculty of Medicine, General University Hospital,...
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Heidi Thompson

Heidi Thompson

Ms. Heidi Thompson has been working as a multiple sclerosis (MS) specialist nurse for almost 20 years in Northern...
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Jane Shanahan

Jane Shanahan

Ms. Jane Shanahan was initially diagnosed with clinically isolated syndrome in 2015, aged 50; a full diagnosis of...
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