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For PwMS and HCPs
myMS commitments

myMS commitments is a ‘shared-responsibility agreement’ that outlines the ways in which you and your patients with MS can share the responsibility of MS management.

It is made up of a list of responsibilities for both PwMS and HCPs, grouped into themes such as disease knowledge and learning, preparing for appointments, treatment management and lifestyle.

Sharing this tool with your patients will help them to feel empowered to take control of their care and aid them in being reassured about how their healthcare team will continue to support them through their life with MS.

myMS commitments is a downloadable document and is simple to use. You can either print it and share with your patients for them to complete, or give them the link to the page you are reading so that they can print and complete it at home.

Please note: No data from this tool is recorded or collected by MS21.