Exploring the impact on employment of cognitive impairment as a result of MS: A research article
Mult Scler Relat Disord. May 2024
Cognitive impairment as a result of multiple sclerosis (MS) can pose a significant challenge to people living with MS (PwMS) and make it harder for them to carry out daily activities, including work tasks.
Our most recent MS in the 21st Century article, entitled “Cognitive impairment and its impact on employment: A qualitative interview-based study involving healthcare professionals and people living with multiple sclerosis,” published in Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders in May 2024 (full manuscript available here), describes a series of qualitative interviews conducted with healthcare professionals working in neurology and PwMS. These interviews explore how cognitive impairment due to MS can impact the ability of a person living with MS to work and how these changes might be mitigated.
This study involved semi-structured, individual interviews conducted virtually with 20 participants living in the United States. Detailed insights on real-world scenarios were collected, and three themes were identified: the implications of cognitive symptoms on work; challenges in addressing cognitive impairment and its impact on work in MS care; and strategies and support for managing the impact of cognitive symptoms. Through analysis of these themes, this article explores workplace adjustments and identifies topics for development of resources that could support PwMS in the workplace.
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